Maggie supports Idaho's public schools, public lands, women's autonomy in healthcare decisions, and Idaho librarians.

Maggie Shaw is running for Idaho House of Representatives for District 35 B. Maggie a former teacher, has been a longtime education advocate. As a former neuroscience research lab manager she developed fact based researched decision making skills. She supports our public lands , and will champion women's healthcare.


Public schools are the backbone of our communities, and Maggie will fight to ensure that every child receives a quality education. She believes in keeping taxpayer dollars in the public schools.


Maggie is committed to protecting Idaho's Outdoor Heritage, our public lands are a source of beauty, recreation, and critical to preserving Idaho's ecosystem. Public lands need to remain in Public hands.

Idaho is losing physicians. Less than half of the counties have OB/GYN doctors. The current abortion bill has brought us to a crisis in women's healthcare. Doctors are fleeing our state. The bill punishes doctors, it has made us noncompetitive in the free market place. It endangers mothers' health, life, and future fertility. The government should not be a part of individual health care decisions.


Fact Based

Common Sense

Decision making



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Give a gift to our campaign today and join us to make Idaho a better place to live, work, and raise a family.

My mission is to put Idaho and its people first. This means protecting public lands, preserving our public schools, expanding healthcare access, and respecting librarians not targeting them.

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